
Sasha Koss

👋 Hey! My name is Sasha. I'm an indie maker. I live in Singapore with my wife and baby daughter.I'm an indie maker, and since 2017, I've been working full-time on open-source while bootstrapping my projects.

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What am I even doing?

While working past Saturday morning on an idea I had for a long time, I realized that while I wanted it to exist, it would add to my already depressingly long list of projects. Why make it bigger? What I’m trying to achieve? These questions made me step back and write this post listing all my active projects with a few words about each and some backstory. I thought it would give me perspective and help me find the answer, but after finishing the first draft, it confused me even more. Don’t be...

Even though I spend a significant chunk of my time working on open-source projects, that’s not everything I do. My work focus often dictates my open-source contributions, so today, I decided to touch on that and talk about what you won’t see on GitHub. In 2017, I left my last full-time employee position and started my journey as a software entrepreneur. It’s been a rocky seven years with many ups and even more downs. I unsuccessfully launched a series of products, failing to market each of...

Hey there! You have to start somewhere, right? And this post is precisely that. I love making stuff. I do it mainly because I want to, but once the thing I'm working on is coming together, it feels almost criminal not to share it with the world. Making brings me joy, but it's nothing compared to seeing others dig what you've built. I'm good at making but not so much at sharing, and I want to change that slowly. Here, I will share my progress on open source projects and bootstrapping a...